Hello Games has released the 5.50 update for No Man's Sky, called World Part II, which adds a lot of new content, such as new stars, planets, and even a story mission, as well as many technical changes and improved mod support.
First of all, Hello Games has improved the universe algorithm to create many more different locations, including new mountains, valleys, and plains on planets that are still waiting to be discovered.
At the same time, the game features underwater worlds containing many otherworldly landscapes and secret aquatic life forms, as well as huge gas worlds with a unique environment, high atmospheric pressure and gravity, an unstable atmosphere, and unique resources.
On the way to these planets, players will have to travel to new purple-class solar systems that contain many undiscovered worlds that will be revealed through new story and side missions.
The new quests will reveal the history of the universe and tell more about the stories of Atlas, Atlantis, and the robotic lifeforms of the Autophagus. Players will meet both new characters and reconnect with old friends on their way to restoring lost star systems. We also added new side quests, such as fishing and other activities.
No Man's Sky also received technical improvements, such as updated lighting, improved water quality and rendering, faster loading times, and deeper shadows. The changes also affected inventory systems and storage for weapons, tools, and spaceships.
The game also has a new mode. It allows you to completely turn off all life in the universe and eliminate any extraterrestrial life forms. In terms of technical improvements, Hello Games has also improved support for player mods. Now mods will be better compatible with updates and cause fewer conflicts in game files.
In addition to this, Hello Games announced the seventeenth expedition for No Man's Sky called Titan. It will begin shortly after the end of the Cursed Expedition and will last about six weeks. During this time, players will have to explore new planets introduced with the Worlds Part II update and receive rewards for their success.
You can learn about all the changes and innovations of Worlds Part II on the official No Man's Sky website or in a detailed review from the developers.