In 2024, 62% of Ukrainians became victims of cyber and phone fraud. This became known thanks to a new survey conducted by the Rakuten Viber team among more than 35,000 messenger users.
At the same time, 39% of respondents said they were doing their best to become more knowledgeable about cybersecurity. This is almost twice as much as at the beginning of 2024, when only 21% of such users did so.
The results of the Viber survey show the following:
- 62% experienced cyber and phone scams in 2024.
- 30% have not experienced it themselves, but have heard about such cases from others.
- 8% have not encountered or heard of such cases.
At the same time, fewer people are ignoring such problems. At the beginning of 2024, 50% of Viber users said they were not interested in cybersecurity, but in 2025, this figure dropped to 28%. The overall results are as follows:
- 39% are doing everything they can to better understand cybersecurity.
- 28% are not interested in this issue.
- 21% are more likely not to be interested in and do not search for information on purpose.
- 7% were still well informed about cyber fraud.
- 5% significantly increased their knowledge of cyber fraud in 2024.