Polish studio The Farm 51, developers of Chernobyl VR Project and Chernobylite shooter set in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, have launched a Kickstarter campaign for Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone. And it looks like it will be successful.
At one time, Chernobylite was called S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 1.5, although the game did not have an open world and was more of a roguelike with a base and tiny levels. Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone looks like it will have an open world and will be more of an action/RPG than a shooter. And there will be very strange creatures and even huge boss monsters distorted by Chernobylite.
The Kickstarter campaign for Chernobylite 2 started on January 14, 2025, and the developers have already raised more than 70% of the target amount of $97,741. Given that the campaign will last until February 13, 2025, The Farm 51 is likely to raise more than $100 thousand.
Yes, this is in a sense parasitizing on the success of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, but let it go. The more games about Ukraine, the better, especially since the first Chernobylite had a rather anti-Soviet plot.