The American company Leonardo DRS, together with its partners, presented anew air defense system C-UAS DE Stryker.
The new complex is based on the Stryker armored personnel carrier. It has a 26-kilowatt LOCUST laser system from BlueHalo, which is designed to combat various types of UAVs. The system also received a 30 mm XN914 cannon from Northrop Grumman, which is mounted on the R400 remote-controlled module. In addition, the prototype was also equipped with an Arnold Defense launcher with 70 mm APKWS 2 guided missiles from BAE Systems. All these weapons can be used simultaneously by the C-UAS DE Stryker.
“In just eight months, Leonardo DRS and our outstanding industry partners designed, built, and tested this Stryker-based Directed Energy Counter-UAS prototype," said Aaron Hankins, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Leonardo DRS Land Systems.
For target detection, the C-UAS DE Stryker is equipped with DRS' RPS-92 nMHR radar and BlueHalo Titan C-UAS and Titan-SV electronic intelligence assets that operate in 360°.
By the way, the C-UAS DE Stryker prototype has already passed its first tests. They took place in September 2024. The system successfully destroyed all ground and air targets.