A well-known enthusiast Roman "der8auer" Hartung found out that Lamptron sells its hardware monitors with self-generated serial keys for the AIDA64 software. The software developer confirmed that Lamptron had only purchased one key for the Extreme version, but had never purchased a business license, which is supposedly included with many of their products.
Lamptron displays are essentially additional monitors connected via HDMI that use external software to display system information directly on the screen. These screens can be purchased separately or added to cooling components. However, the data is not collected directly by the Lamptron software, but is only displayed on the screen after the AIDA64 program is installed.
According to Der8auer, Lamptron sells its products with keys that have been generated using a key generator. FinalWire (the owner of AIDA64) confirmed that these are illegally generated keys. Moreover, when updating the software, AIDA64 will inform you that the keys were obtained illegally.
AIDA64 developers addressed Der8auer in several letters.
"We understand your concerns regarding the “Free Version” license included with the cooler. Unfortunately we’ve discovered instances of Lamptron bundling invalid AIDA64 licenses with their products.When we became aware of this, we immediately contacted Lamptron and requested they cease this practices.
Although they registered as a reseller two years ago and placed a single order for AIDA64 Extreme, it’s unclear if they ever bundled valid licenses with their devices," says the first letter.
There was also a second email:
"Unfortunately, none of the product keys you shared are valid in our system. This strongly suggests they wre generated illegal using a tool like a KeyGen," the second letter says.
Lamptron products are now disappearing from retail stores across Europe. Roman claims that these retailers are now considering legal action against Lamptron. Despite numerous attempts, the company has not responded to any of the emails. Even two days after the video was published, the company still claims to offer the AIDA64 business license with its products.
Some retailers have indeed removed the product, while others now list the product with a "free trial of AIDA64 software (subscription required)." Needless to say, a product that costs $270 just got even more expensive.