Telegram received $330 million in investments through the sale of bonds. This was stated by Pavel Durov, the founder of the messenger, TechCrunch reports.
This happened last week, shortly after Durov gave an interview to the Financial Times. Now the Telegram founder has said that the bond offering is oversubscribed.
Among the participants are "global funds of the highest caliber with impeccable reputations." However, it is not yet known which funds are involved.
"The terms of the bonds (when adjusted for the Federal Reserve rate) were the most favorable for Telegram in the history of our company,” Pavel Durov noted.
According to the publication, the current yield on the bonds is 7.7%. The bonds will mature either in 2026 or when Telegram goes public, whichever comes first. The bonds were issued at a price of $91, compared to $78 in the previous issue.
In a recent interview, Pavel Durov said that Telegram now has 900 million monthly active users and is planning an IPO. He also said that Telegram is approaching profitability, which could happen next year, if not this year.