Telegram has integrated a cryptocurrency wallet based on The Open Network into the app for its more than 800 million monthly active users. The wallet is called TON Space and will be available through Telegram settings, writes The Block citing The Open Network Foundation.
TON Space can be accessed by users of the Telegram Wallet chatbot. Starting in November, all users will have this option, except for the US and some other countries.
As part of the wallet launch, Telegram will also provide TON projects and partners with priority access to its global advertising platform, Telegram Ads.
"We believe users have the right to own their identities and assets. With TON Space, users now have the technology to make that convenient," John Hyman, Telegram's chief investment officer, said in a statement."
As it is known, in 2020, Telegram abandoned TON after more than two years of development. This happened due to a lawsuit filed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Eventually, the company paid a fine of $18.5 million. Since 2020, TON has been operating as an open source community project.