The social network X, headed by Elon Musk, has started blocking links to the encrypted messenger Signal, which is often used by journalists to gather information and exchange messages anonymously. This was reported by journalist Matt Binder.
The platform is actively restricting links to the domain, which is used to allow a person to quickly write a message. Links to are not yet blocked.
The blocking was first reported by security researchers from Mysk, who discovered the problem on February 16. When users try to post links with the domain on X, they get various errors. The restriction applies not only to posts, but also to profile descriptions and personal messages.
If users try to send a post or message with a link to, they receive various errors, the content of which may vary depending on the platform. In some cases, the messages include a warning that the links may be "potentially harmful."
If you try to open already published links in X, users receive a similar warning about the potential danger to users. However, this warning can be ignored and browsing can continue.
Signal, which has long been an important tool for journalists, has become even more relevant since Donald Trump and Elon Musk came to power in the United States. This secure messenger with end-to-end encryption has become popular among government officials who have been passing information to journalists about the actions of the new government.
In X, you can now publish your Signal usernames, which users can copy and paste into the app. In addition, links to other messengers, such as Telegram, also work without any problems.