Valve is introducing stricter rules for the sale of DLC and Season Pass packages on Steam. From now on, developers are obliged to clearly communicate when and what content will be added to the game and refund in case of failure to fulfill promises. This was reported by Kotaku.
If the content is delayed, players will be able to claim a partial refund.
“In the process of launching a Season Pass you will be asked to commit to a launch timing for each content release in the Season Pass. That launch timing is a commitment to both customers and Steam,” says the new Steam rules.
Steam adds that game development is a complex and difficult process, and delays are sometimes necessary and understandable. Companies can postpone the release of DLC, but only once.
“If you aren’t ready to clearly communicate about the content included in each DLC AND when each DLC will be ready for launch, you shouldn’t offer a Season Pass on Steam,” the company writes.
Even if there are no complaints from customers, Steam reserves the right to automatically reimburse players for any potential violations of the new rules. And if any DLC is canceled, players will automatically receive money for their purchase.