After the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, the messenger's ratings skyrocketed worldwide, and in France it became the most popular. This was reported by TechCrunch.
Durov was arrested for allegedly allowing the messenger to be used for illegal activities without ensuring proper moderation of messages. The areas mentioned include drug trafficking, money laundering, and distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM).
Immediately after the news of the detention, the number of Telegram downloads began to grow around the world. In the US, the app ranked second in the App Store's social media chart and increased the number of downloads on iOS by 4% worldwide.
In the ranking of the best apps (excluding games), Telegram has risen from 18th place in the US to 8th. According to Appfigures, this is its highest position here since at least January 1, 2023.
In France, where Durov was detained, the app jumped to No. 1 in the Social Media category in the App Store and became the No. 3 app overall.
Usually, App Store ratings are formed from a combination of the number and speed of product downloads.
French President Emmanuel Macron commented that the arrest was related to an "ongoing judicial investigation" and that the decision on this issue would be up to the judges.
I have seen false information regarding France following the arrest of Pavel Durov.
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) August 26, 2024
France is deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication, to innovation, and to the spirit of entrepreneurship. It will remain so.
In a state governed by the rule of law,…