Telegram received a set of new features on the occasion of its 11th anniversary, which it celebrated on August 14, 2024. The update is mainly aimed at developing channels and monetizing them, but it is also useful for ordinary users.
Superchannels will now be able to post on behalf of the administrator or other channels. When administrators type a new message, they will be able to click on the avatar to make the appropriate selection.
In addition, channel owners will now be able to create special invitations that will allow people to join the channel in exchange for a monthly payment in stars. You can create such a link in the channel settings: Channel type > Manage links > Create link and enable the Require monthly fee option.
Telegram users will also be able to leave premium reactions using stars. Channel owners will receive 100% of the stars and will be able to convert them into Toncoin cryptocurrency or subsidized advertising. To start receiving star reactions, you need to enable them in the channel settings in the Reactions section.
Each post that receives a star reaction will have a leaderboard with the largest senders, but users will also be able to choose the privacy option to not be displayed on this list.
Earlier, channel owners were also given the opportunity to post paid photos and videos on their channels, and the new update will make this feature available to bots as well.
In addition, another really useful feature introduced in the new Telegram update is a viewer for .pdf, .xls, and .docs documents on iOS directly in the messenger.