A new State of the Internet study by Akamai Technologies found that 42% of global web traffic comes from bots. 65% of these bots are malicious. This was reported by AIM.
The study found that the e-commerce sector was the most affected by high-risk bot traffic due to its reliance on revenue-generating web applications.
While some bots are beneficial to businesses, most are used with malicious intent, including specific intelligence and espionage, imposter sites, and other schemes that negatively impact the consumer experience.
"Every business with an online storefront relies on web scraper bots to some extent. The challenge arises when these bots are misused, as their similar functions make it difficult to distinguish between beneficial and malicious ones," said Reuben Koh, director of security technology & strategy, APJ, Akamai Technologies.
Among other things, the study found that AI-powered bot networks are able to find and collect data and content in less consistent formats or locations.
Collector bots can also create more successful phishing campaigns thanks to the descriptions, photos, and prices of products they receive. They can also be used to open new accounts, which accounts for up to 50% of fraud losses.