NetherRealm Studios has revealed in the trailer the Homelander, which is to appear in Mortal Kombat 1. The character will be available as part of the Kombat Pack. The antihero looks like his prototype from the series (Anthony Starr).
Homelander is the penultimate fighter in the Kombat Pack. Before him were released Omniman (Invulnerable) Kuan Chi, Peacemaker (DC Universe's Peacekeeper), and Ermak.
Takahashi Takeda is also expected to appear after Homelander.
The company did not say when exactly the new character will appear, but the description to the trailer indicates the release date of the fourth season of The Boys series - June 14.
It makes sense to assume that the antihero will appear in Mortal Kombat 1 around the same time.