Remnants of the former planet Theia, from which the Moon was formed, may be located near the Earth's core. This conclusion was reached by scientists analyzing two zones in the mantle of our planet, writes Ars Technica.
According to a common theory, early in the history of our solar system, a planet the size of Mars crashed into the Earth. After the collision, the debris was thrown into orbit and formed the Moon.
In today's world, scientists continue to study the Earth, so they have noticed two unusual areas. These are the so-called low shear velocity areas (LLVP). They were discovered thanks to seismic waves that pass through the interior of our planet.
Seismic waves generated by earthquakes change speed and direction as they pass through different materials. The movement of these waves depends on the type of rock, density, and temperature. In fact, this allows scientists to create a picture of the Earth's crust and mantle.
In the found areas, these waves are slowing down. Until now, the nature of the areas was unclear, but now a team of scientists has linked their existence to the collision of Theia and the Earth. The experts conducted computer modeling, which showed the likelihood that the remnants of another planet could be near the Earth's core.
The study showed that after the collision, the upper part of our planet's mantle was supposed to melt. During this process, fragments of Teya could have penetrated below the melting zone - deep into the Earth and approached its core.
According to experts, the debris may be mostly intact, so they should retain their properties. Despite the fact that they are on another planet.