According to a new report by the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Auteurs et Compositeurs, CISAC), digital streaming became the main source of income for composers and songwriters in 2022.
Streaming accounted for €4.17 billion in royalties, or almost 35% of the total royalties received by music and lyricists in 2022. This represents an increase of +33.5% compared to 2021. Streaming revenue has doubled since 2019.
The second place with €4.04 billion, or 33% of the total amount, is accounted for by royalties from the broadcast of musical works on TV and radio.
The third source of income for composers and lyricists is live and public performances, amounting to €2.68 billion, or 22% of the total. This includes live performances, i.e. concerts, as well as discos, background music in cafes and other establishments, cinemas, theaters, karaoke, etc.
In total, royalties from composers and lyricists amounted to €12.01 billion in 2022. This represents an increase of 26.7% compared to 2021, due to the lifting of covid restrictions on concerts, visits to public places, etc.
Please note that we are talking about the royalties of composers and songwriters represented by CISAC, not performers.