A project team of journalists and IT specialists from KibOrg, in collaboration with NLB hackers, hacked into the database of the Russian Alfa-Bank. This is stated in the message on the project website.
"The personal data of more than 30 million clients of Russia's largest private bank has been obtained. The database contains information about the client's name, date of birth, account and phone number, as well as other interesting data," the KibOrg website said in a statement."
As a confirmation, the project published the data of Mikhail Fridman, his son - Oleksandr Ozhelsky, as well as Artemiy Lebedev, Timur Yunusov (Timati) and Vasyl Vakulenko (Basta).
«Ми попросили нашого друга Євгена Вольнова подзвонити підсанкційному власнику Альфа-Банку і довідатися, що той думає про злам. Однак, схоже, що Фрідману все одно на своїх клієнтів. Мабуть, так само все одно й на те, що станеться з грошима російських вкладників», – додали в проєкті," added in the project.
KibOrg plans to share the information with interested investigative journalists. Some of the recordings can be downloaded at the link.
The KibOrg project investigates the crimes of Russians in Ukraine, exposes the activities of collaborators and debunks Russian fakes.