The vast majority of managers regret the decision to send employees back to the office. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by Envoy and Hanover Research.
The study included more than 1,150 executives and managers in the United States. 80% of them said they would have made a different decision about returning to the office if they had information about employee attendance, office resource utilization, and other related data.
The problem is that employees come and go at different times of the day and week, and compliance with internal policies can vary widely from location to location.
This makes it impossible for managers to understand how many people are in the field on any given day and how best to allocate space and resources across the organization.
"We work in a hybrid environment where there is less consistency in attendance throughout the week. With so much variability, it’s difficult to know how to improve efficiency in order to save critical budget," Envoy quotes one of Braze's managers.
As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to change the way they work and to work from home for long periods of time. Once the pandemic is over, many companies are encouraging employees to return to the office. Some offer a blended work format where, for example, an employee may come into the office a few days a week and work from home the rest of the time.
For example, Zoom asks all employees within a 50-mile (80 km) radius of the company's office to work at least two days a week on a mixed schedule. But Google is implementing a new strategy to encourage its employees to return to the office by offering a special deal at a hotel on the campus of its Mountain View, California, headquarters.