Everything that users send to Telegram is securely encrypted. This was stated by the company's representative, Remi Vaughn, commenting for Mezha.Media on the information that thanks to the received technologies, the Federal Security Service of Russia learned to track correspondence in encrypted messengers, including Telegram.
He explained that while no popular messaging app offers complete protection against DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) attempts to identify users, Telegram has developed several technologies to better protect its users from this threat.
These include traffic masking, the function for users to schedule messages and route their traffic through built-in proxies, and additional privacy options such as disabling peer-to-peer voice calls and disabling "last seen" timestamps. According to Telegram, these measures, in addition to using a VPN, significantly reduce the risks associated with DPI.
While Telegram is better equipped than any other mass-market tool to withstand such DPI techniques, we advise activists living in authoritarian regimes to use the tools developed by Telegram and VPN providers to minimize the risks.
It was previously reported that the Federal Security Service learned to track, but not to read correspondence in Telegram, WhatsApp and Signal. Russian technology firms owned by the Citadel Group are involved in tracking people. At one time, this business was partially controlled by the russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov. The list of companies includes: MFI Soft, Vas-Experts and Protei.