Almost half (42%) of companies that decided to return to the office faced a higher rate of employee turnover than they expected. And almost a third (29%) of companies that have ordered to return to offices have problems with staff recruitment. This is evidenced by the data of the Unispace report, writes Entrepreneur.
At the same time, according to a report by Greenhouse, 76% of workers are ready to “abandon ship” if their companies decide to abandon flexible working hours. In addition, workers from historically underrepresented groups are 22% more likely to consider other options if flexible hours are "out of sight."
But the SHED survey shows the situation from the other side. It equates dissatisfaction with the transition from a flexible work model to a traditional one with dissatisfaction with a 2-3% reduction in wages.
According to Greenhouse, 42% of candidates would flat out reject “roles” that lack flexibility. SHED's survey confirms that employees who work from home several days a week greatly value the opportunity.
At the same time, Greenhouse has determined what attracts employees. These are increased compensation (48%), greater employment guarantee (34%), career growth opportunities (32%), more flexible work policy (28%), more positive corporate culture (27%).
Unispace adds another factor to this – choice. According to their report, the most common feelings employees feel about the office are happiness (31%), motivation (30%) and excitement (27%). However, these feelings are reduced among those who have mandated office returns (27%, 26% and 22%, respectively).
It was previously reported that Google during the evaluation of employees work efficiency will take into account the records of their visits to the office and send reminders to those of them who are often absent from the workplace.