Google launches Market Finder in Ukraine. It is a free service that helps companies enter new markets, find new customers and partners, increase export sales online, etc. It also offers free guides, videos, and advice to ease companies' first steps in the export market.
According to Google, the tool will be useful not only for companies who are just thinking about entering new markets and do not know where to start but also for experienced exporters who are looking for new ways to develop their businesses. Market Finder also provides access to statistics, tools and resources to start growing your business internationally.
With the help of an interactive service My Export Score you can check the readiness of your business to export and get a personalized report.
In Market Finder, you can view indicators that cover 40 different areas – from logistics and purchasing behavior to a country's full economic profile – and help identify new potential markets.
To find the best markets for your business, you should first prioritize the countries where the company's products or services will be most attractive. With Market Finder, you can create a list of new promising target markets for your brand, and determine the demand for your product or service based on monthly local searches, popular market trends, real income per capita, Internet users, and Google Ads recommended bid.
The service analyzes consumer internet usage, demographics and disposable income, providing clear metrics and valuable information about potential market growth.
If users are satisfied with the list of proposed countries, Market Finder helps to plan operations, in particular with regard to localization, payment settings, customer service, as well as tax, legal and logistics operations and recruitment. For example, localization tools, guides and tips demonstrate how to communicate effectively in a new market, and logistics resources describe international shipping and handling rules for a selected market.